Daily Med 52

Creative Word: Follow

I sort of took a cheating approach to todays, but only because it worked well. I had a recorder on me and recorded a youth ensemble I heard rehearsing. I recorded them again because they were rehearsing the Jurassic Park theme and there’s some ongoing joke between my friend and I so I wanted to capture it, but I did so as I got in the elevator and quickly lost their sound. Seeing that todays word was ‘follow’, I sort of did the exact opposite of it, but I was curious about what would come of reversing the sound and if it would sound like I was actually following the sound. It doesn’t really, but I liked the sounds that came from forcing this situation to work for me. I also reversed the first part to keep the sound consistent throughout. If I had used the sounds of nature first, I would have used follow as a cue to go chase every sound that grabs my attention and see where I end up.

Creative Experiment: Blindfold

I just started working on a short film for my cousin today, so this is a good experiment. I usually don’t have much problem with putting music to images and pulling at least some of the feeling of a scene out with the music. Today I am because there is a specific kind of goal he is going for with this which is almost entirely directed by the music. I actually have to lead the visuals with the music here and it’s not as easy so I need some guidance with this one still. He will be calling me tonight or tomorrow to give me more guidance.

I also experimented with imagining the sound of KSP tonight. It’s probably empty and dark with some ventilation sounds in the background. I was able to put myself there and think of not only trying to replicate the ventilation, but what the space would best respond to. I used the interval of an octave on my guitar, occasionally filled in with a couple of other notes, but I always let them ring out and gave the space a chance to use the sound.

Daily Dose: Role Models

Positive role models for me have been people who have helped me to discover my own power. The power to think for myself for example was not always something I was really aware of, I felt like I woke up for the first time in my life a couple of years ago, only by really discovering how much of my learning and my happiness and my life I am responsible for. My role models made me aware of my own value and the value of other people and their ideas. It doesn’t seem like there is a simpler way to live for me and I would hope to awaken this sort of thing in other people: the desire to investigate their own interests and listen to others with openness and honesty.

This gets the teacher in me fired up, but it’s not so simple to execute. Some people aren’t really ready, or they need to hear whatever it is in just the right way. When I say it, I don’t mean my way of thinking, I only think that everyone has something that can break them away from their automated lifestyles. I don’t even think that this ‘something’ is only one thing. I mentioned in one of my really early posts that I could have ventured down one of many different paths if it had been introduced to me at the right time and in the right way. Music was my first expansion of awareness, I would say astronomy and philosophy were my second, but the order (or subject) could have been different if the right person had communicated the idea to me effectively.

I am aware of my duty of setting an example, but don’t know how to do it besides living in an honest way with myself.

Daily Action: Setting an Example

I was going to say that I don’t normally consider the example that I set, but in the middle of writing it I discovered that it wasn’t true. I try not to spend much time considering how others perceive me, but lately it has been important. I found a philosophy yesterday that says ‘there is no deep down’, the things we do on the surface are the only components of our character. This has made me consider that it is almost impossible to understand who I really am.

I carry with me years of past traits that I imagine are still present in my mannerisms. I carry with me contradictions of old, bad traits that make me think I am living as a better person than I used to, but ultimately the people I interact with now didn’t know my bad traits and don’t necessarily see these counter-traits as ‘good’, but maybe just normal. I also imagine that people can see the root of my actions when in reality they appear quite detached from anything and are the only thing that people see. I perceive myself far differently than I think others perceive me and I am spending time reflecting on this. Like I mentioned above, I just have to be honest with myself in order to be consistent, but there is an infinite amount of things inside of each of us that will never be perceived by each other. This is important to me because it is a measure of self-honesty.

Hopefully this makes sense, this isn’t yet a fully formed idea because it’s pretty fresh, but I’ll keep working at it.

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